Sunday, August 3, 2014

Viyana's Art

I received this great note and picture and thought you would enjoy seeing it too. This is the first tangled teen I have seen and she makes me think that this is what a Lilah Bean might look like when she grows up! ;-) Oh - and be sure to take note of the Hollibaugh tangled belt! Very nice.
- Sandy

This was done by my 12 year old daughter Viyana and 
she wanted to share it with you. 
She loves zentangle. We love your books.

Her advice is "just have fun with it".

Tangled girl by Viyana


Alice said...

viyana, you did a great job! her hair is pretty stellar and she has such beautiful eyes :)

Anonymous said...

Love the creative picture, great job Viyana!

Anonymous said...

Great job little sis!

Anonymous said...

nice job! your good at this.