Saturday, September 3, 2011

Book Review

Latin L. Bean's creator, Arnoldo Romero posted THE nicest review of Zentangle for Kidz! on Amazon. See, black mail and bribery can be a good thing! No, really, he won his copy fair and square. :-)


Arnoldo L. Romero said...

I hadn't noticed this post. LOL! Anyway, I just posted pictures of my students leaf tangles on my blog. I hope you have a chance to look at them. Blessings

Sandy Steen Bartholomew said...

This is a really great idea - and it looks beautiful too. Here's the link so everyone can take a look:

Arnoldo L. Romero said...

Thank you! I'll need to let my students know what you said. I told them I would share the pictures with you and they were all excited about an author/artist seeing their work.