Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cookie - "Wired Beans"

Andrea Livingston-Shuman, aka, Cookie, sent this horde of (wicked cute) strung-out, wired, clay bead Lilah Beans!
They are a truly unruly bunch of Beans! The two Beans on the ends were fairly well-behaved, standing quietly while I photographed them. But the three in the middle were constantly flipping and rolling - super-sassy - showing me their bums - and laughing as I tried to get them to stand still.

Oh, yes, you think they are cute and innocent? Don't let those curls deceive you - they are just like their namesake (my daughter).

This one looks devious, but was well-behaved. I think it helps to have feet... and hands...

Oh, they are so rude! But they do have great hair...

Just as the Universe doesn't send us a dilemma without also sending the solution... Cookie had enclosed SuperNannyBean. She's tough and rigid (shrink plastic!) and she has eyes on the back of her head! Literally. Unfortunately, she can't stand up for herself - she has holes in her head so she can be strung up. And, after hanging with these Wired Beans, SuperNannyBean will probably welcome the lift.

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